Because the knees are the most prone to disability in sposrts as well as inĀ  non athletes, much care and prevention must be given to the development of the muscles of this area. An awkward movement, or hard blow to the knee can cause pain and possibility long term out of action. Some women may find it more easier to injure their knees because of their wide pelvis.this may cause them to be knock kneed’. Also those who are flatfooted, or feet overpronate or who have unbalanced thigh muscles.

Two of the most common knee problems are:

Tendonitis: Where a tendon itself, or the sheath around a tendon becomes inflamed and painful.

Swelling: Excessive fluid accumulates in the synovium (membrane in the knee capsule) and this may be a sign of an underlying condition. Such fluid buildup can be blood or increased secretion form the synovium as a reaction to some type of inflammation or overuse.

For mild knee discomfort, ice, pain medications, and modified movement may be enough, but persistent swelling or pain requires medical care. Your physician may suggest elevation of the knee joint, application of a compression dressing or brace, and occasional ice.

Crutches may be recommended to minimize weight-bearing on the affected knee, at least initially. He or she may prescribe pain medications as well. Physical therapy can often be helpful after the acute injury has been treated. More serious injury may require referral to a surgeon for evaluation.

Total knee replacements have improved with the development of new designs and materials.

Knee Braces

A knee brace can help reduce stress on the knee. Some knee braces are designed for the recovery phase after an injury or surgery. The post-surgical brace, which is usually bulky and restricts mobility, is normally made of rigid carbon fiber or other polymers. Lightweight metal or plastic hinges allow limited flexion. Most braces fasten around the knee with a fabric wrap.

Apart from sophisticated knee braces, a variety of other braces are available in a drugstore. These knee braces include neoprene sleeves, lace-up canvas, metal-supported, and ace bandages. Even the elastic pull-on bandages can be useful, because they help the body to know where the knee is in space at any given moment. This can help protect a potentially vulnerable knee while avoiding compromising or hazardous positions.

Avoiding sudden jolting movements and rough running surfaces can help prevent knee injuries. Obesity adds pressure to the vulnerable knee joint, so weight reduction may help.

Exercises considered better for the knees include small (not deep) knee bends and straightening motions – done while in supination with most weight on the outside of the foot.

Sports that are easier on the knees include walking, swimming (flutter kicks, knees straight), skating, baseball, cross-country skiing, and, depending on the state of the knee, cycling (seat high, low gear, avoiding hills).

Choose activities to suit your own knee strength and capacity, and remember that sports especially “hard on the knees” include football, sprinting, soccer, rugby, hockey, squash, volleyball, basketball, downhill skiing, tennis and jogging – anything that pounds, jolts, or twists the knees.

Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Knee Injury

What diagnostic tests are available for the knee?

What is the extent of the injury to the knee?

What is the current treatment for the injury?

Will heat or ice packs be beneficial?

Will any special exercises need to be done?

Will I need to wear a knee brace for activities?

How long will it take to fully recover?